Teya Salat
Discharge - 27Partially unlocks:
Mana ShieldA surprising smash makes your enemy loose concentration, granting a chance to discharge
target offensive skill by 80% and defensive skill by 25%. Monsters defensive skills can't be
discharged. 30s CD.
Discharge 1xA surprising smash makes your enemy loose concentration, granting a chance to discharge
target offensive skill by 85% and defensive skill by 25%. Monsters defensive skills can't be
discharged. 30s CD.
Discharge 2xA surprising smash makes your enemy loose concentration, granting a chance to discharge
target offensive skill by 90% and defensive skill by 25%. Monsters defensive skills can't be
discharged. 30s CD.
Discharge 3xA surprising smash makes your enemy loose concentration, granting a chance to discharge
target offensive skill by 95% and defensive skill by 25%. Monsters defensive skills can't be
discharged. 30s CD.
Discharge 4xA surprising smash makes your enemy loose concentration, granting a chance to discharge
target offensive skill by 100% and defensive skill by 25%. Monsters defensive skills can't be
discharged. 30s CD.

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