Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4 t

For Warriors
Light Leather Legs 2% 0
Sworder Legs 3% 4
Mercenary Legs 5% 9
Field Greaves 7% 13
Fortified Legs 10% 26
Brass Legs 12% 5% 32
Chain Legs 13% 4% 36
Armoured Legs 15% 40
Gladiator Legs 17% 46
Monter Legs 18% 51
Plate Legs 20% -6% 57
Adventurer Legs 21% 63
Forcebreak Guards 27% 13% 79
(+) Force Guards 36% 17% 79
(+fire) Force Guards 27% 13% 13% 79
(+ice) Force Guards 27% 13% 13% 79
Faithless Greaves 27% 129
Magma Legguards 6% 17% 48
Phoenix Legplates 21% 63
Skull Legs 14% 8% 63
Crown Legs 11% 24% 69
Hellfire Legplates 27% 13% 79
(+) Hell Legplates 36% 17% 79
(+hit) Hell Legplates 27% 13% 13% 79
(+light) Hell Legplates 27% 13% 13% 79
Fur-lined Legs 7% 7% 13
Sailor Legs -5% 10% 10% 26
Imposing Legplates 4% 10% 26
Frost Legs 5% 15% 38
Coldshadow Legs 5% 12% 46
Crystal Legplates 21% 63
Frostscale Legplates 27% 13% 79
(+) Frost Legplates 36% 17% 79
(+light) Frost Legplates 27% 13% 13% 79
(+soul) Frost Legplates 27% 13% 13% 79
Leather Legs 8% 8% 19
Orange Hardbelt 7% 9% 22
Plasma Legs 10% 25
Corsair Trousers 5% 10% 10% -7% 26
Mithril Greaves 9% 11% 28
Blue Hardbelt 11% 11% 30
Green Hardbelt 12% 12% 32
Shogun Legs 15% 10% 40
Tempest Greaves 21% 63
To-Sabaki Greaves 27% 13% 79
(+) To-Sa Greaves 36% 17% 79
(+hit) To-Sa Greaves 27% 13% 13% 79
(+soul) To-Sa Greaves 27% 13% 13% 79
Chastity Legs 8% 10% 26
Black Hardbelt 4% 4% 12% 32
Covering Legs 13% 6% 36
Warden Greaves 21% 63
Divine Greaves 27% 13% 79
(+) Div Greaves 36% 17% 79
(+fire) Div Greaves 27% 13% 13% 79
(+ice) Div Greaves 27% 13% 13% 79
True Faith Greaves 27% 45% 129
Ancient Legs 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 99
(+f) Ancient Legs 17% 29% 17% 17% 17% 99
(+h) Ancient Legs 29% 17% 17% 17% 17% 99
(+i) Ancient Legs 17% 17% 29% 17% 17% 99
(+l) Ancient Legs 17% 17% 17% 29% 17% 99
(+s) Ancient Legs 17% 17% 17% 17% 29% 99
(+) Ancient Legs 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 5% 99
For Wizards
Light Legs 2% 0
Apprentice Legs 4% 4
Spell Student Legs 6% 9
Night Pants 8% 17
Basting Legs 10% 22
Spellwielder Legs 12% 26
Winter Legs 16% 5% 36
Armoured Trousers 18% 40
Battlemage Legs 20% 46
Monter Pants 22% 51
Spellmaster Legs 24% 58
Adventurer Pants 26% 63
Forcedeflect Pants 32% 16% 79
(+) Force Pants 43% 21% 79
(+fire) Force Pants 32% 16% 16% 79
(+ice) Force Pants 32% 16% 16% 79
Fatihless Strides 27% 129
Robe Legs 5% 15% 35
(+) Robe Legs 10% 15% 35
Magma Pants 8% 20% 47
Phoenix Trousers 26% 63
Skull Pants 15% 11% 63
King's Trousers 14% 28% 69
Demonic Trousers 32% 16% 79
(+) Demon Trousers 43% 21% 79
(+hit) Demon Trousers 32% 16% 16% 79
(+light) Demon Trousers 32% 16% 16% 79
Fur-lined Trousers 8% 8% 17
Sailor Pants -6% 12% 12% 26
Lined Cloth Pants 5% 12% 26
Frost Trousers 7% 15% 33
Coldshadow Pants 6% 14% 46
Crystal Pants 26% 63
Deepfrozen Pants 32% 16% 79
(+) Defrozen Pants 43% 21% 79
(+light) Defrozen Pants 32% 16% 16% 79
(+soul) Defrozen Pants 32% 16% 16% 79
Orange Belt 7% 10% 22
Pirate Pants 12% 12% -6% 26
Faraday Skirt 10% 12% 27
Blue Belt 13% 13% 30
Green Belt 13% 13% 32
Shaolin Pants 15% 10% 35
Plasma Trousers 19% 40
Tempest Trousers 26% 63
To-Maga Trousers 32% 16% 79
(+) To-Ma Trousers 43% 21% 79
(+hit) To-Ma Trousers 32% 16% 16% 79
(+soul) To-Ma Trousers 32% 16% 16% 79
Chastity Pants 8% 10% 22
Black Belt 5% 5% 14% 34
Holy Legs 14% 5% 34
Covering Breeches 15% 7% 35
Warden Trousers 26% 63
Sanctification Legs 32% 16% 79
(+) Sanct Legs 43% 21% 79
(+fire) Sanct Legs 32% 16% 16% 79
(+ice) Sanct Legs 32% 16% 16% 79
True Faith Strides 27% 54% 129
Elder Pants 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 99
(+f) Elder Pants 22% 33% 22% 22% 22% 99
(+h) Elder Pants 33% 22% 22% 22% 22% 99
(+i) Elder Pants 22% 22% 33% 22% 22% 99
(+l) Elder Pants 22% 22% 22% 33% 22% 99
(+s) Elder Pants 22% 22% 22% 22% 33% 99
(+) Elder Pants 22% 22% 22% 22% 5% 99

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