Speak with
Silent Flute
![Silent Flute](/img/scr/quests/banuna/silentflute.png)
Enter these stairs
Follow directions enter the cave, find this thing and use
Silent Flute
![Use it](/img/scr/quests/banuna/useflute11.png)
Silent Flute again, near node
![Use it](/img/scr/quests/banuna/useflute12.png)
For second Node I suggest to use portal
Temple Top and go from there
Find and do this with red carpets to open the way
![Like this](/img/scr/quests/banuna/templeopen1.png)
Now do this
![Like this](/img/scr/quests/banuna/templeopen2.png)
Step on the button to open the way
![Like this](/img/scr/quests/banuna/templeopen3.png)
Now find and use
Silent Flute here
![Use it](/img/scr/quests/banuna/useflute21.png)
Silent Flute again, near node
![Use it](/img/scr/quests/banuna/useflute22.png)
Exit the cave, follow directions and enter the cave. When You find this place, go down
![Go down](/img/scr/quests/banuna/flowinggo1.png)
Find this thing and use
Silent Flute
![Use it](/img/scr/quests/banuna/useflute31.png)
Silent Flute again, near node
![Use it](/img/scr/quests/banuna/useflute32.png)
Now go to place where You gone down, and go left now
![Go left](/img/scr/quests/banuna/flowinggo2.png)
Find and push buttons to open the way
Enter this cave again
Speak with
Farrsban to finish the quest