Pair of Vintage Old School Fru

Banuna Quests
Reward: 5.000 &
For Warriors:
For Wizards:
Achievement: King of the Jungle

Speak with Wilhelm

Use Old prayer book, he gave You, here

You will be teleported, go up and enter this cave

Follow the road, enter many caves till You find Wudu, speak with him

Now follow directions and kill mobs:
Get from outside
Get from inside cave
Get from inside cave

Bring back these items to Wudu and speak with him two times

He will teleport You, speak with Linc

Take this item here

Speak with Linc again and after teleported back, speak with Wudu two times

Now go and search for this cave, it is very far, search!

Now enter this cave

From this place You will need help from 1 Friend!

Push this button, You and Friend go right

Find and take

Now You push this button and run fast right and down!

You find this place and go here fast, if it's closed You go back push button and run fast here again!

And Friend push this button and run fast left!

Friend find this place and go here fast, if it's closed You go back push button and run fast here again!

You find this place and wait till Friend finds his place!

You and Friend push buttons to open road for each other

Now find this place and wait till red carpets looks like this and use where I marked!

Now find and speak with Kingnog

Speak with Oregra

And finally go back and speak with Wilhelm to finish the quest

Banuna Quests

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