Old school Swatch Watches

Buy Platinum or Premium
Earn Platinum

   You can download and play the game for free. Free players can discover the island Lybera completely and take a ship to the main island Aurea. Here they can enter a large dungeon underneath the city and travel across the surface. However, many other areas can only be entered by premium/platinum characters.

    To make your character a Premium Character, purchasing Premium Time is required. Premium Characters have access to all areas and are granted several additional benefits listed in the table below. Once You purchased premium, You will have all these benefits untill Your Premium time (7, 30 or 120days) runs out.

    You can also purchase Platinum. Platinum is a special in-game currency you can use to buy the additional features offered at the Marketplace. Also will your character be elevated immediately to VIP status with all its great benefits when getting Platinum. After You bought Platinum, You can choose what You wanna buy, either Access to Solahmar, Ashmor or both. Once You bought Access to island, portal usage, depot page, etc., use them forever!

    And Remember: Never give your account data to anyone! CipSoft will NEVER ask you for your passwords! If you don't find help in our forum, please mail to: support@tibiame.com

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