Polly po-cket

Solahmar quests
Queen of Elements
 The Archaeologist
 Missing in Action
 Lost Notes
 Sunken Library
 Tomb of Earth Item!
 Trailing The Robbers
 Loosening Tongue
 Rob the Raiders
 A Different Cipher
 Tomb of Air
 Find a Teacher
 Rescue the Son Achievement+Item!
 Get the Gear
 Disarm and Recover
 A Magical Cipher
 Tomb of Fire
 Old Academy Achievement!
 Do-it-yourself Achievement+Item!
 Find a way Through
 The final Cipher
 Compass of Elements
 The Search
 Helping Hand
 Tomb of Water Item!
 Room of Maps
 Riddles of the Past Achievement+Item!
 Queen's Sanctuary Achievement!
Rescue of the Prince
 Get Information
 Pest Problem
 Seeds of the Oliba
 Out of Business
 Find the Market
 Seek and Rescue Achievement!
 Safe Journey? Achievement!
 Brute Force Achievement!
Normal Quests
 Bring back my Man
 Bug chasing
 Jemar's fate
 Missing caravan
 Pest control
 The Lake treasure
 Rivcroc hunter
 The Fisherman's friend
 Smile of the Sphinx
 The Labyrinths Achievement!
 Fight the Raiders Achievement!
 The Pharaoh Achievement!
 Three Wishes?
70lvl+ Quests
 Tears of Heaven
 The first Mummy
 Fragment of History Achievement!

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