Old school Swatch Watches

Fabulara Quests
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Reward: 10.000
Achievement:  Poisonous Matchmaker

Speak with Lenista OR Aresso

Find and enter this house

Speak with Ulla 2 times

Go upstairs and speak with Hogarf

Speak with Ulla again

Enter this cave

Find and take Barcbecue Lighter form here

In same cave find stairs to go up and take Gingerbread Heart from here

Go back to Ulla then to Hogarf

Speak to Ulla again to get

Follow directions, find and speak with Malordy

Go back to Ulla again

Find and take Tormentil from here

Find these doors and enter them

Find and take Nightshades from here

Go back to Ulla to get Hunger Potion

Use Hunger Potion here

Speak to Malordy and enter this door

Find and take Hogarf Hammer

Go speak with Ulla and then speak with Hogarf, he will teleport You

Find and take Superduper Mana

Speak with Lenista OR Aresso to finish the quest

Next Quest
Fabulara Quests

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