Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4 t
Harbors Monsters Portals Stores
 Price: Free for all!  Stars to collect: 168   Quests to do: 70+ 

Aurea Blacksmith:
All upgrades lasts 10.000 uses!
105 15 11 105 25 10 + 1k
1-70 1-15 1-80 1-17 + 1k
22 25
17 20

Aurea Ashgor Blacksmith:
To use Ashgors' smithing do: ??? quest!

   Ashgor can craft 139lvl weapons and upgrade them to 144lvl. All upgrades lasts 6.666 uses!

Click here to see the list!

Aurea city stores:
Spell Binder
Costumize Outfit
Trade House

IconName & StatsPrice
Chili Stick: 0 1 128
Magic Spoon: 6 3 24156
Staff of Forgetting: 8 2 28236
Spark Stick: 9 3 30276
Fire Rune: 10 3 34204
Flogging Rune: 15 6 48268

IconName & StatsPrice
Little Sword: 0 128
Short Sword: 5 16120
Prayer Club: 8 22236
Flash Hacker: 10 12 15204
Incensor: 12 32232
Sword: 15 35268

IconName & StatsPrice
For Warriors
Light leather legs: 0 2%4
Light headcap: 1 1%12
Light armour: 2 2%40
Light shield: 3 1%36
Sworder legs: 4 3%68
Sworder helmet: 5 3%72
Sworder armour: 6 5%156
Mercenary helmet: 10 4%140
Mercenary armour: 11 7%220
Mercenary shield: 12 4%160
Leather armour: 18 10% 10%350
Round shield: 66 17%612
Plate armour: 75 35% -9%856
For Wizards
Light legs: 0 2%4
Light cap: 1 2%12
Light shirt: 2 3%40
Light magic shield: 3 2%36
Apprentice legs: 4 4%68
Apprentice bonnet: 5 3%72
Apprentice shirt: 6 5%156
Spell student hood: 10 5%140
Spell student shirt: 11 8%220
Spell student shield: 12 5%160
Night shirt: 18 13% 13%350
Wizard's hat: 59 20%1200
Magic shield: 63 22%588
For Both
Power ring: 15 5%160
Priest ring: 15 5%160

IconName & StatsPrice
Eggs: 50 30
Minor health potion: 150 95
Lesser health potion: 300 215
Small health potion: 450 360
Health potion: 650 575
Milk: 50 20
Minor mana potion: 150 65
Lesser mana potion: 300 150
Small mana potion: 450 270
Mana potion: 600 400
Pet salve sealed90
Poor feed30
Spell Book15
Spell Book15
Spell Book15
Spell Book15

Aurea magic academy stores:

IconName Price
Spell Book15
Spell Book15
Spell Book15
Spell Book15
Spell Binder

   In Aurea magic academy You can learn allmost all spells available!

Aurea Orc village stores:
You can only sell items here

Warzone stores:
Trade House

IconName & StatsPrice
For Warriors
Gladiator legs: 47 13%450
Katana: 47 10-100535
Round shield: 66 18%586
Plate armour: 75 35% -9%835
For Wizards
Battlemage legs: 46 20%450
Battlemage Armour: 47 27%550
Fire Bo: 47 14 40 10-105535
Magic shield: 66 22%586

IconName & StatsPrice
Great health potion: 800 760
Major health potion: 1000 1050
Fine health potion: 1250 1400
Divine health potion: 1500 1800
Elder health potion: 3200 5400
Great mana potion: 750 570
Major mana potion: 900 750
Fine mana potion: 1050 960
Divine mana potion: 1200 1200
Elder mana potion: 2400 3600
Pet cure sealed550
Pet elixir sealed1100
Excellent feed250
Spell Book15
Spell Book15

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