Harbors Monsters Portals Stores
 Price: 390  Stars to collect: 164   Quests to do: 12+ 

Fabulara Goldforge stores:
Spell Binder
Costumize Outfit
Trade House
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IconName & StatsPrice
For Warriors
Shogun shield: 36 5% 10%1100
Armoured legs: 40 15%444
Armoured helmet: 41 12%408
Armoured mail: 42 21%548
For Wizards
Armoured trousers: 40 18%444
Armoured shirt: 41 24%540
Armoured shield: 42 15%416

IconName & StatsPrice
Eggs: 50 30
Minor healt potion: 150 95
Lesser health potion: 300 215
Small health potion: 450 360
Milk: 50 20
Minor mana potion: 150 65
Lesser mana potion: 300 150
Small mana potion: 450 270
Pet balm sealed200
Common feed70
Good feed150
Spell Book15
Spell Book15

Fabulara Center stores:

IconName Price
Eggs: 50 30
Minor healt potion: 150 95
Lesser health potion: 300 215
Small health potion: 450 360
Milk: 50 20
Minor mana potion: 150 65
Lesser mana potion: 300 150
Small mana potion: 450 270
Pet balm sealed200
Common feed70
Good feed150
Spell Book15
Spell Book15

Fabulara Steinau stores:
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